If You’re Going To Live Life On Interest…
Your investment accounts are going to need to produce at least 10% of the total balance of the fund.

What does this mean?
Let’s say your income is $125,000 dollars per year.
You’ll need an investment account of about $1,250,000 dollars yielding at least 10% per year to substantiate your income.
In 2020, most 401 (k) contributions were around 7% of pay according to Vanguard 401 (k) plan data. This number jumps to 11% when employer contributions are included, but only 22% of 401 (k) participants saved more than 10% of their salary for retirement.
In short…
88% of 401 (k) owners save less than the 10% needed to retire.
No matter if they earn $30,000 dollars per year or $200,000 dollars per year, most do not have the money needed to retire at their current state.
I have to harp on this so you get the idea of the picture I am presenting.
Looking at the true and real financial market, in order for you to make major money plays with any financial institution, you must be an accredited investor.

An accredited investor is someone with a special status under financial regulation laws. An accredited investor also known as a sophisticated investor is allowed to invest in unregulated securities, and they have or possess the know-how to handle all of the risks involved with investing. These investors are qualified and considered high net-worth individuals (HNWI) or high-income investors.
Why is it important to be an accredited investor and why are unregulated securities good?
3 Reasons To Become an Accredited Investor (click)
1) Greater Opportunity: Being an accredited investor gives you access to investment classes that your average investor is not able to take part in.
2) Early Buy-In: Unregulated securities are important because you’re able to “buy-in” to invesments before the mainstream market since you can “afford” the risk. 3) Trust with Banks: majority of investment accounts are offered by banks and financial institutions, much like credit, the higher amount of financial capital you have, the more trust the banks will have in you.
If we’re being honest, how much money are you going to need in an investment fund in order for you to retire, and be taken serious as an investor?
To both retire and be an accredited investor you might need more like $2,750,000 dollars in an account at a minimum of 10%; $275,000 { $125,000 for your personal life and the extra $150,000 to accredit yourself for other investments.

Let’s look at this game much bigger than what we currently take it for.
It’s important for you to be not just rich, but very wealthy so that you can take advantage of better opportunities.
Starting today, from zero, you can grow over the next 5 to 10 years into an accredited investor that will be able to become a retired accredited investor over 20 to 30 years.
After, you will be able to approach the tycoon status where you can lavishly enter and exit deals, and also create a beautiful portfolio of asset holdings and collections for yourself.

I know that all of this can be very exciting and overwhelming, so I have listed 3 extremely important principles to make sure that you do not get distracted or deterred by whatever obstacles may come along the way:
1) Long Term Vision (click)
When considering investing into anything, if you are looking for profits it's always best to think of a longer term plan. Quick profits don't usually last, but the long plays always work out over time. Remember, 10% on 500,000 is much greater than 10% on 500.
2) Delayed Gratification (click)
3) The Power of Compounding (click)
The future is very bright with vigor and potential, I will be pleased to have you work with me as I grow the awesome brand BRIODS Corporation Of America into a Multi-Trillion dollar organization.
Stay tuned to learn more.
Thank You and Great Success,
Avidon M. Respes
CEO & Director of Business Development
BRIODS Corporation Of America
(856) 481-2887

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