Create relationships of your choice and make them just right with easy tips, and execution.
When working for longer lasting, fulfilling, and more powerful relationships you have to use a new part of your body, mind, and soul. -- You have to tap into some deeper levels that you aren't comfortable with. The good thing is, you'll love it once you start getting the hang of it.
Vulnerability. It takes a certain level of vulnerability to have the best types of relationships. I notice that the more vulnerable, transparent, and real I am with people, the better my relationships and connections are. People gravitate to my heart, and then truly appreciate my mind.
"People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." -- So, care about them. Care about yourself enough to seek relationships that you can be completely real in. Care about your life enough to keep your circle tight with the right people you need.
Make it yours.
If you really want this, claim it... Make it yours. No matter what it is in life, you're going to have to do what it takes to have it. There's a certain process to owning a car, there's a process to owning a home, there's a process to living the life you want, but in that process, things become yours. -- Go through the process.
Make the sale final, put your name on it, put your stamp on it, take it up into your arms and hold it tight. Just like anything that you possess in life, relationships take ownership. That also means owning your faults, issues, and shortcomings, but changing them for the good of your relationships; for the good of your life.
Start today.
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