Not at your computer? Nowadays it’s easy to make money on your phone. That's a talk for another post, but just understand that you can prosper handsomely on the go.

Let's both be real... You're not here, just for money. Although life is based around mostly money, it is critical that you understand... Money is a tool. It is a tool to build the life you dream of. It's a tool to build the legacy within your heart.
Your money is attached to the career of your choosing, which means that your lifestyle is as well. Don't even get me started on how your career choices influence practically every area of your life... With that being said, make sure your career choice is one that's going to bring you satisfaction, not just a fat wallet.
If you are making good money, use it as a way to fuel your own passions on the side. Remember, no job is guaranteed, no opportunity is guaranteed, and no body can make you any promises.
Careers influence your image and your image influence your career. You see the woman smiling above you? What career is going to make you smile? What lifestyle will make you smile?
What makes you smile?
When you focus on the things that make you happy and turn them into professions, with the help of others passionate as well about them, you'll experience a joy of life like no other.
I encourage you to start today, to move toward your goals and dreams... Because your life depends on it.
Comment below with any questions or topics you'd like covered.
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