The sad but true reality is that as we grow, we stop developing, we stop challenging ourselves, and we stop taking risks for the things we want... The proper risks.

We're all so ready to cross oceans, desert places, and practically starve ourselves for situations that only benefit us for the moment, but don't set us up for the long term. Delayed gratification is near extinction today... I'll talk more about this in other segments, for now, understand that you need patience to become your true self.
It's a process that doesn't happen overnight, and it won't happen in a week, but once you change your mindset now... Everything else changes. From this moment you'll just have to keep climbing higher until you reach the top or close to it.
Now, is the moment that will dictate your course for the next five, ten, and fifteen years.
The more time you waste, you further you're getting away from that image you have for yourself. If you want to make six figures this year, you have to do seven figure work. If you want to be a good partner, you have to learn to be an amazing partner.
Things will trickle down, so shoot for your highest, that way if people only get your sixty percent, it'll still be better than the majority at seventy-five to ninety percent. Give one hundred percent of whatever you have and you'll see your percentages increase gradually, but definitely.
I leave you with this last thing... Doing one percent better for three hundred sixty-five days will bring you a whopping three hundred plus percent better by the end of the year. -- If you do better financially each week, by just one percent... How much will your life change?
Do the same for your self-image, and who you want to be as a person.
You can do this.
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